Grow in Grace Counseling
Seek Peace and Pursue It
January 13, 2020 at 7:17 am by admin | Posted in Uncategorized
Decisions, decisions…
Really, we only ever have control over our choices…
I can choose to lie. I can choose to confess guilt. I can hate or love, choose punishment or forgiveness. Choose doubt or belief, fear or trust.
Choosing what’s right- what’s of God, is always harder.
Choosing sin- what’s of the enemy, is always easier because I am sinful.
It feels unnatural to be godly.
yet the Holy Spirit dwelling within me- independent of me,
He quickens me
To have courage and power to say yes to godliness and act on it.
And as I say yes, I find something easier than being sinful.
If you’ve done it or will try it, you’ll understand. You choose.
A deeper look is in Deuteronomy 30