there is a season turn turn turn…

November 5, 2019 at 7:16 am by admin | Posted in Beautiful Life

have you noticed that about every time this month rolls around the calendar, the seasons change?  At least in the north east… light changes, plants change, some birds aren’t around, the temperatures drop and indoor heat kicks on…  I just want to pause and say isn’t that cool? Like kinda wild?  So maybe it’s just me, but I get this weird giggly kid kind of energy out of nature just doing what it does.  I kinda flip inside at the first snowfall, and lightning storms, and meteor showers.  There just amazing and I think we collectively sort of gloss over and miss a lot of free fun all around us.

So here’s my little wow moment I want to invite you to share… the other morning the time changed and when my body clock woke me it was still pitch black out- the sky, oh man it was so clear! but the stars were in different places than usual, and when the sun peeked up (or we rolled over) it was in a slightly different spot than I tend to see it… so the old homeschooling mom in me was wracking my brain, about the distance of the sun from us and the distance of our annual orbit… like i said – it does something for me…

so I wanted you to also know, we are 93 million miles from the sun… a tough number to grasp.  and in the year it takes us to journey around it, we ride along on earth’s trek of 584 million miles. – even wilder number.  like for us every time zone is about 1000 miles – so the earth is about 24000 miles around.  it takes me 2 days to drive to Florida for Pete’s sake… so millions… I can’t relate.

then that means every day we inch forward about 1,608,000 miles in our circuit, which is also about 67,000 miles an hour or 1,100 miles a minute.   yes 1100 miles in a minute. – not my 2 day drive, but every minute.  and i don’t feel it, don’t get dizzy – much, and I’m not responsible to do anything or keep it going or make it happen.  So I don’t know if that gives you the same giggly joy I get, but at least take it in, that we receive most of life, much more than we contribute to how it works.  I hope you feel loved and cared about that you’re here.  No matter what challenges you face today, stop for a minute and just wonder at the mystery of our life.

2 Corinthians 4:18  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.