
Hello! Thanks for visiting.
I hope you’ll find an encouraging word or a fresh perspective while you’re here.

I’m Kelli Clark – a licensed professional counselor; an unlicensed mom of three courageous kids; and former fire baton twirler.  Life is full of adventures!


The purpose of this website is to offer an extension of spiritual support not usually possible during time-locked counseling sessions. As a counselor, I help people process life’s damage and disappointments to recover and repair their true value and purpose.

…and I run out of time!  So hopefully this site will give us an extra way to sit together and sort things out.

Many people search but can’t find trustworthy spiritual material to learn basic ideas about faith.  Many have had harmful experiences of church, or been judged by people of various faiths, and choose understandably to avoid anything associated with organized religion.  Others are desperate to find spiritual meaning and purpose, especially to help bear life’s losses and tragedies.  Support groups,  12-step meetings, online forums, and classes allude to a higher power able to help us in our limitations, regrets, addictions or harmful habits and figure out how to grow.

It takes time and exploration to find what is most supportive for you.  Many ask me for direction about how to include spiritual health in their day to day lifestyle.  My advice is usually something like this…

Just read the Bible.

Really.  Like just read it for yourself.  You’re allowed.  And you don’t have to know everything to just begin to see what it says and see if it’s helpful.  I think as a culture we often support other people’s ideas and opinions without forming our own.  Healthy people think for themselves and are always learning new things.  The Bible has quite a track record for being a trusted source of inspiration and wisdom for thousands of years… are you curious?  well…

Just read the Bible.

1 Peter has long been a favorite biblical hang out of mine… reminding me how to build a peace filled life joined to Jesus Christ… abiding in His life and His love… overcoming fear and emptiness.  I’ve had many personal losses and tragedies in life, and the Bible has been truly a beacon of light during the darkest nights and roughest seas;  it’s always personal to what I need in that moment.

Life’s tragedies and hardships can block people from really living life-  Regrets, shame, and disappointment trick people into thinking there is no hope;  no way to rebuild.

This is not true! There is always hope!  The night is truly darkest right before dawn.  When you least expect it life changes again.

I have created some posts and quick studies to introduce parts of the Bible that might be helpful to you.  I want to make it easy to engage and really find something relevant for the answers you need and to resolve problems you face. It is open to anyone genuinely interested, but if you already resist the possibility of God or feel offended when learning about the Bible or Christianity, then these materials will probably not be helpful.  I understand.  Personally I used to ridicule Christians and believed the church at large was just a corrupt scam.  That is absolutely a reality in many ways, …and Jesus thought so too.  That’s actually what won my heart – when I read how Jesus felt about the corruption of the church and the hypocrisy of the leaders.  So I’m just sayin… there could be more to it than what we see in our culture.  And for many throughout history this has proven true.  So I invite you to see for yourself, if you are tired, depressed, discouraged, or just think there must be more… If you’re searching for hope and meaning, may you find some encouragement here to recover and discover your true self and live life!

Seek Peace and Pursue It- 1 Peter 3:11